Need gunsmithing work done?
Have a problem? Need something fixed?

About Our Gunsmith
With our on-site gunsmith, we can help you with your gunsmithing needs.
Firearm not shooting correctly? Let our gunsmith take a look for you.
Need or want your trigger replaced? Our gunsmith can give you quotes on a new trigger as well as install them for you.
Does your firearm need a good cleaning before or after season? Yep, we can handle that too!
Our gunsmith is an enthusiast about his job! He will do whatever it takes to help you with whatever gunsmithing work you need!

Firing problems
All your gunsmithing needs

Frequently Asked Questions
Can you thread my deer rifle?
Yes! Most deer rifles can be threaded. In fact, a lot of manufactures are starting to include this on their barrels from the factory. Send us an email below with your manufacturer, model, and caliber size and we will let you know for sure.
What about pistols?
Yes! A threaded pistol with a silencer is of upmost fun! Just like rifles, many manufactures are including pistol barrels already threaded from the factory. Send us an email below if you’d like to get you pistol threaded or look for one already threaded. We can help!
How much does it cost?
Now that’s a tricky question. Every gunsmith is different. We here in the south might cost less than our gunsmith buddies up north. Send us an email with your manufacturer, model, and caliber size. That will give us a better idea of cost.
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